When is the BMSB Stink Bug Season?

The  season in Australia starts from the 1st of September to- 31st of May inclusive.


What is the BMSB?

The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) is an infamous pest that ‘hitchhikes’ on cargo as it travels across the ocean, threatening serious damage to local Australian grown fruit, vegetable, and field crops. Every year, the department imposes regulations to prevent the presence of BMSB in Australia.  The BMSB originates from East Asian and is now established across North America and Europe causing significant economic losses to agriculture corps.


BMSB Treatment Certificate Must Accompany Cargo.


Failure to comply with the BMSB regulations could result in delays, with your goods being turned back, or your cargo being destroyed.
Australian Border Force will inspect any Bio-security risk; therefore cargo must be treated for BMSB and a BMSB Treatment Certificate must accompany your cargo from a high risk country.

There are three different approved BMSB treatments:

• Heat treatment.
• Sulfuryl Fluoride Fumigation,
• Methyl Bromide Fumigation

Cargo from Target Risk Countries have a 120 Hour Post Treatment Window.


Every year, all freight forwarders are advised to prepare for the BMSB season by DAFF ( Agriculture.gov.au ) BMSB is known to feed on around 300 different plan specifies and severely damage fruit and vegetable crops. It is therefore vital that importers are aware of why their cargo needs to be fumigated during certain periods in the year.

BMSB threatens serious damage to local Australian grown fruit, vegetable, and field crops

BSMB Ruling

It targets” high risk goods “ that are Manufactured in or shipped from “target risk countries that have been shipped between 1st September to the 30th April ( inclusive ). “High Risk goods “” that fall within “target high risk goods “will require mandatory treatment of fumigation for BMSB risk.

It also applies to vessels that berth, load or are transhipped from target risk countries during the same period

It is important to note that the “shipped on board date “as indicated on the ocean bill of Lading, is the date used to determine when goods have left the country.

Goods Subject to Bio Security Measures

A full list of the tariffs subject to measures is available at https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/import/before/brown-marmorated-stink-bugs

Treatment Requirements for BMSB

Containerized cargo ( 6 hard sided ) – Containerised cargo arriving in sealed six hard sided containers with target high risk goods can be treated offshore or onshore . The department recommends offshore treatment for containers subject to BMSB measures to aid a faster boarder clearance upon arrival

Break bulk consignments, including Flat Rack and Open containers : – There is a mandatory offshore treatment of target high risk goods prior to being exported

120 Hour Post Treatment Window

Containerized cargo – goods treated in a target risk country prior to 1stDecember , must be loaded into a six hard sided container and sealed within 120 hours of treatment completion. A sealing declaration can be provided if require.

Breakbulk consignments including flat racks, open top containers : if treated prior to the 1st December in a target risk country, the 120 rules applies . This means that they must be loaded onto a vessel for export within the 120 hours of the fumigation treatment

120 Hours policy has been amended to allow onshore ( on arrival ) re-treatment in “certain situations “where goods have been rolled over by the shipping lines. Evidence has to be provided by the shipping line that vessel was delayed.

It is important that clients always check with an experience freight forwarder what what the new BMSB season updates are to avoid delays or expensive re-fumigation treatments as every year there are emerging risk countries that will be included


The Department encourages goods to be treated at the country of origin (i.e. the country you are importing from), but this can present risks if your treatment provider becomes suspended.

Contact Us for more information.

For latest information on BMSB visit The Australian Government website.